Finding a full time Community College teaching job: From the August 2018 Academic Senate for the Community Colleges of California, this is Part 3 of 4 (From the recollections of Carlynne Allbee):
3) Experience: Applications and hiring committees want to see that you have experience. Look at job listings to see a sample of what they are asking for and then find ways to get that experience. There are several ways you should look at gaining experience and for several reasons:
a) The first one, naturally is teaching. You have been teaching, but one of the suggestions at the conference was to get experience teaching other related classes. This makes you more marketable. It also shows you are not limited in your abilities. Go to your Dean or Department Chair and discuss the matter with them. Know what classes are taught at your school. Which ones are you qualified on paper to teach? Which ones could you actually teach? This also puts them on notice that you are willing to grow professionally.
b) Governance on your campus in the form of your Academic Senate. Even if you aren’t an elected member, Academic Senate meetings are open. Go to them to see what is discussed and how is it handled. You may also catch the eye of someone that will be in a position in the future to influence your position. Also, it will give you material to discuss in an interview that will show you are interested in how things are done.
c) Serve on committees even if you are not paid for them.
i) One of the speakers shared that she found a way to volunteer to serve on the school’s foundation. The foundations that schools have are for raising money and giving it away for scholarships, charity reasons (such as wildfire victims among the District employees) and other such causes. By being on the foundation, she is in meetings with Deans and even the President of her college. This gives her exposure as a person willing to go the extra mile.
ii) Serve on other committees, again for two reasons. To learn how things are done and to be seen as someone that is a willing worker. If you get paid – great. If you don’t, it is exposure that you are looking for.
d) These opportunities are more ways you will become a more attractive candidate.
e) Since the ASCCC PT Leadership Conference, I have talked to several other Adjuncts. Their suggestion was to learn how to teach online. At SDCCD, take advantage of the Canvas Online classes and complete your certification. Then you can work for colleges and universities anywhere without moving, unless you want to. They may still be part time, but you can turn them into a lucrative income. One of the ladies was even teaching online for two out of state universities.

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